Helmets, rules and my need to purge some thoughts

Please, PLEASE wear a helmet.  I really can not stress that enough.  If you don’t think you can do some serious damage if you  tip over from a full stop and hit your head your very wrong!  So they look a little silly, so what.  Get over it.  It should be the all time bike garb that makes you cool.  I would NEVER ride my route to work with out one, nor would I ride down the street 1/4 mile with out one.  I tend to be a hard ass on a lot of things, and I put a lot of blame on people.  Personal responsibility.  It’s your right not to wear one, but it’s my right to not ride with you if you don’t.  Yup, sorry everyone, if you don’t have a helmet on you can not ride with me anywhere.  I don’t want to have to tell you ( and I will because I do have a hard time keeping my mouth shut) you should be wearing one, but most of all I don’t want to be witness if something bad happens.  It gives everyone out there pushing for bikers a bad name.  That goes for all you idiots that don’t stop at lights.  Grow the F up.  We work really hard to keep the PRIVILEGE (yes its a privilege not a right) to ride in traffic as a car.  And all of you jerks that don’t follow the rules or don’t wear a helmet gives the other side ONE MORE THING to put on their list against us.  Keep it up one day you might have to put that bike away because you can’t ride it any more, helmet or not.  We all have a common interest so lets help each other out in spreading the good word, not adding onto the City and States con list.

 All right rant over!  Time to ride!

 Be Free, Ride!

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